A Guide for Unit Heads & Administrators in Arts
Purpose | Supplementary funding to support M&P Professional Development and conference/travel costs. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Management and Professional Staff (and, in some cases, Technical and Support Staff). |
Terms/Conditions | Each M&P member can apply once every two years for funding. The fund is limited and is processed on a first come, first serve basis until the fund is exhausted for that fiscal year. The funding available per request is for up to 2/3 of the total cost (to a maximum of $1,000) to attend a workshop, conference, or professional development event. Departments must contribute a minimum of 1/3 of the cost (up to $500). |
Deadline/Funds Payment | Complete REQUEST FOR PD/CONFERENCE TRAVEL GRANT form and forward it to the Assistant Dean, Faculty Operations 21 days prior to departure or event. Funds awarded will be transferred to the applicant's department GPOF admin account via journal voucher after the member has incurred the expenses and provided receipts, summaries, and other relevant supporting documentation. |
Purpose | The PDR Fund provides eligible faculty members with financial assistance (on a reimbursement basis) for professional development expenses. These expenses must relate to activities that enhance the performance, ability, or effectiveness of a Member’s work at the University. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Entitlement for an eligible Member shall be earned through service to the University at the rate of $1,700 per Year for all eligible Members. A "Year" is defined on the basis of the academic year: July 1 to June 30. Please refer to the PDR Guidelines for details about eligible expenses. |
Terms/Conditions | Effective July 1, 2023, the University no longer allows faculty members to borrow against their future professional development entitlement amounts, as described in the PDR Guidelines. For details, click here. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | Any expense must be claimed within twelve (12) months after it is incurred. A Member may submit a Professional Development Reimbursement Claim Form up to three (3) times each Year. Original receipts must accompany each Professional Development Reimbursement Claim Form. The Professional Development Reimbursement claim form must be completed by the Member and signed by the Head of the Member's academic unit before the paperwork is forwarded to Finance. In the case of Heads'/Directors' claims for PDR, their forms must first be forwarded to the Dean's Office for signature. |
Purpose | The Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) was created in 1991 to enrich student learning by supporting innovative and effective educational enhancements. It has funded hundreds of innovative teaching and learning enhancement projects since it was established and continues to support UBC's mandate to deliver an outstanding learning experience for students. |
Eligibility/Criteria | The submitted proposals will be evaluated by the TLEF Adjudication Committee, which has a mandate to ensure that:
There are additional considerations in the case of large-scale project proposals. For full details, visit the "Criteria" page of the TLEF site at: http://tlef.ubc.ca/tlef-criteria/ |
Terms/Conditions | There are two types of proposals supported by TLEF: large project proposals (> $50,000) and small project proposals (< $50,000). The introduction of these two TLEF funding categories began with the funding round for 2015-16 projects. Large project proposals will undergo a two-stage proposal development process:
Deadline/Funds Payment | The call for small project proposals is made in September, with a mid-November deadline. Applicants MUST submit their proposals online through the TLEF website. The Dean’s Office will review applications and forward its recommendations for consideration and final adjudication by the TLEF adjudication committee. TLEF Awards are announced sometime in March.For full details and proposal deadlines, visit the TLEF website at: http://tlef.ubc.ca. |
Purpose | The Faculty of Arts Graduate Student Research Awards are designed to assist graduate students (PhD and MA) based in the Faculty in research directly associated with their degree program. |
Eligibility/Criteria | For graduate students in the Faculty of Arts. Students may hold this award once during their degree program. Awards must be used within one year of the date the grant is awarded. |
Terms/Conditions | Awards are up to $1000. These awards are for research-related expenses only, and applicants need to make clear how the funds will be used and how they directly relate to their program of research. Salaries (for the applicant or for others) cannot be funded with these awards. For details about other terms of the award, please visit the Research webpage at the link provided below. Funds are released to a research grant held by the applicant’s primary supervisor. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | An application form must be signed by the student's thesis supervisor and submitted online, by the advertised deadline (usually late January). Adjudication of awards will be undertaken by a committee chaired by the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies. Notification of awards are made sometime in March and can be used during the upcoming fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). Application forms, deadlines, and other details are available here on the Arts Research webpages |
Purpose | To allow research-stream faculty one semester to concentrate entirely on research without teaching or administrative duties. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors in the Faculty of Arts. |
Terms/Conditions | The award will fund the costs of hiring one or two sessional lecturers to teach up to two courses that the faculty member would normally teach in a single semester, and we would expect the department/unit to relieve the faculty member of all administrative duties during this semester. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | Details and application form are available here. The application form must be signed by the Department/Unit Head, and submitted online by the stated deadline. Adjudication of awards will be undertaken by a multi-disciplinary committee chaired by the Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies. Notification of awards is sent in the spring for funds to be used in the next Fall (September to December) or Spring (January to April) semester. |
For details of other research-related funding opportunities, please visit the Research pages of the Arts website. https://air.arts.ubc.ca/research-resources/internal-grant-opportunities/
Purpose | UBC’s Supplemental Employment Benefits (SEB) Program pays the difference between the EI benefit received from Human Resources Development Canada and 95% of salary. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Your eligibility depends on the UBC employee group to which you belong. Check the HR website for details: www.hr.ubc.ca/benefits/leaves/ |
Terms/Conditions | You should apply for a leave of absence from your unit in writing, notifying them of the dates you expect to leave and return to work. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | Staff: To apply for SEB, contact your Payroll Representative in Financial Services to arrange a time to sign a Letter of Agreement. Provide them a copy of your first EI benefit cheque stub.Faculty: To apply for SEB, contact your Faculty Service Representative in Financial Services and provide them with a copy of your first EI benefit cheque stub.Attention Arts Unit Administrators: SEB payments are charged to the same PG to which the employee’s salary is charged; the salary account code is dependent on employee group. The Faculty will transfer funds through Hyperion to cover SEB payments for Core-funded appointments only. |
Purpose | UBC Tuition Fee Waivers provides eligible staff and faculty with tuition assistance for approved undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as non-credit courses offered through Continuing Studies. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Your eligibility depends on the UBC employee group to which you belong. Check the HR website for details here. |
Terms/Conditions | Each eligible employee is covered for up to 12 undergraduate credits, or the dollar equivalent applied to non-credit courses, each year. Some or all of your annual 12-credit undergraduate entitlement can be transferred to your spouse or children (for credit courses only), as long as they qualify as dependents under the usual definition for the purpose of eligibility for UBC benefits. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | To submit a tuition waiver request, access the UBC Faculty & Staff Self-Service web portal using your Campus-Wide Login (CWL). Tuition applications are processed through Enrolment Services. Tuition waiver requests for non-credit courses are processed through Continuing Studies. Attention Arts Unit Administrators: The approved amount is applied to the same PG to which the employee’s salary is charged. Use account code "#598200 Employee benefits-Tuition Waiv." The amount is automatically deducted in the same month the charge goes through. |
Purpose | Cover some of the advertising costs associated with the recruitment of tenured and tenure-track faculty. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Advertisements placed in AUCC's University Affairs and CAUT Bulletin publications (print and/or web)—typically 1 issue per publication venue or up to 2 issues maximum per position search. In exceptional situations, Departments seeking funding support for advertisements placed in other publication venues require prior approval from the Dean’s Office. |
Terms/Conditions | All recruitment for tenure-stream faculty positions require the approval of the Dean’s Office. The Dean's Office coordinates the approval process by liaising with Faculty Relations and the Provost's Office. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | Departments may submit a reimbursement claim to the Dean's Office at any time within the fiscal year in which the expenses were incurred. Please be sure that the reimbursement claim is accompanied by the original receipts (for direct reimbursement) or detailed summary of advertising costs (if a JV is to be processed to reimburse the Department). Details required include: position being advertised, publication name, and advertisement dates. |
Purpose | Cover new tenured/tenure-track faculty candidate’s costs associated with their travel, accommodation, and meals during their campus interviews. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Reasonable travel, accommodation, and meal costs associated with the candidate’s stay for the duration of their UBC campus interview (2-3 nights maximum). Candidate's own costs are eligible for reimbursement. |
Terms/Conditions | On-campus accommodation should be considered wherever possible. For off-campus accommodation, use a hotel where UBC receives a corporate rate. Airfares should be at economy class rates and special fare rates should be taken wherever possible. Costs of long distance phone calls made by candidates and mini-bar charges are NOT reimbursable. The Dean's Office will cover eligible costs for up to 5 candidates per tenure-stream position search or up to 3 candidates per core-funded 3-year Lecturer position search. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | Departments may submit a reimbursement claim to the Dean's Office at any time within the fiscal year in which the expenses were incurred. Please be sure that the reimbursement claim is accompanied by the original receipts (for direct reimbursement) or detailed summary of the candidate’s accommodation and/or entertainment costs (if a JV is to be processed to reimburse the Department). Details required include: name of candidate, position applied for, dates of visit, etc. |
Purpose | Cover some of the entertainment costs associated with recruitment of tenured and tenure-track faculty. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Entertainment costs incurred in recruiting for tenure and tenure-track faculty positions (e.g., refreshments and meals with the candidate). |
Terms/Conditions | Departments can claim up to $350 per candidate for up to 5 candidates per tenure-stream position search or up to 3 candidates per core-funded 3-year Lecturer position search. Please refer to the Arts Policy on Entertainment Expenses (2012) for details. This change will be made effective for new faculty searches starting July 1, 2019 onwards. |
Departments may submit a reimbursement claim to the Dean's Office at any time within the fiscal year in which the expenses were incurred. Please be sure that the reimbursement claim is accompanied by the original receipts (for direct reimbursement) or detailed summary of entertainment costs (if a JV is to be processed to reimburse the Department). Details required include: name of candidate, position applied for, dates of visit, dates of entertainment events, list of attendees at lunch/dinner events, etc. |
Purpose | Supplementary funding for relocation costs incurred by new tenured and tenure-track faculty members. |
Eligibility/Criteria | See UBC Policy #82 - Relocation of Faculty Members and Senior Management Staff. |
Terms/Conditions | Dean's Office will provide matching funds up to 50% of the amount provided by the University for relocation expenses, provided that the University allocation is insufficient to cover the new appointees' relocation costs. The faculty member's relocation allowance is identified in their employment offer letter. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | Departments must cover the costs upfront and later seek reimbursement, first from the University's Central Fund, and then from the Dean's Office for their respective contributions. |
Departments must submit a request in writing, with appropriate supporting documentation, to the Dean's Office to apply for these funds.
Purpose | To provide funding support for immigration fees related to an eligible faculty member's application for Canadian permanent residency (PR). A new foreign academic faculty member who requires an initial temporary work permit is expected to cover the cost of the work permit. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Tenured and tenure-track faculty and lecturers with a 3(+) year appointment (at more than 50%); within 3 years of appointment start date. The Faculty of Arts maintains a time-limited policy (within three (3) years of the appointment start date) on reimbursement of Permanent Residency (PR) Application Fees for a tenure-stream faculty member's PR application. |
Terms/Conditions | Only the cost of the immigration fees is reimbursable by the Faculty. Requests to reimburse payments of immigration fees for the candidate's spouse or children will be assessed on an individual basis by the Department Head and, if deemed reimbursable, will come from departmental operating funds. Immigration fees that are reimbursable include: right of permanent residence fee, fee for application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) fee. The associated fees required in the application process to obtain permanent residency in Canada are also reimbursable, such as: medical exams, fingerprinting, photo identification, and English proficiency tests. Consulting/legal fees are not reimbursable. For more information about applying for Permanent Residency and BC PNP, click here. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | Candidates can submit a claim for reimbursement of their PR-related immigration fees by sending a request with original receipts to the Dean's Office. Such claims will be considered up to 3 years after the start date of the appointment. |
Purpose | Supplementary funding to support start-up costs of new tenured or tenure-track faculty. |
Eligibility/Criteria | Tenured and tenure-track faculty. Funds can be used to purchase equipment, travel, and other related costs to assist research and teaching development. |
Terms/Conditions | Grant provided in the first year that the faculty member joins UBC. Funds are set up in a research grant account in the name of the faculty member, for an initial period of 10 years. Unused funds may be carried forward from year to year as long as the faculty member remains appointed in the Faculty of Arts. |
Deadline/Funds Payment | New faculty must get in touch with the Office of Research Services (ORS) to initiate the setup of their start-up grant. Instead of completing a RPIF, they must send their email response to each of the following directly to the Research Awards Officer in ORS, colin.roberts@ors.ubc.ca: (#1) Please provide a brief summary of the proposed usage of the start-up award (in one or two sentences);(#2) Please answer yes or no to the following: the funding from this start-up award will be used for projects involving human subjects, animal subjects, or biohazardous materials. If yes, information on how to apply for ethics and contacts can be found on the Research Services web page at: https://ors.ubc.ca/ |
Purpose | Supplementary funding for CFI projects |
Terms/Conditions | When BCKDF applications fall within the SSHRC area, Hampton Funds may be accessed before the full Provost/VPRI and Faculty contribution is exhausted, since such funds cannot be used for NSERC or CIHR applications. These cases will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
Home departments will provide half of the Arts match amount (or 50% of the BCKDF portion).