“…All employees have a fiduciary responsibility to use University funds in a responsible manner. Employees will be reimbursed for expenses incurred to conduct University business, which are reasonable and appropriate. […] We rely on the professional judgement of the leaders in each unit. These guidelines are meant to give some parameters about what the University considers to be a reasonable or appropriate practice….”
Units in the Faculty of Arts are reminded of their responsibility to abide by UBC Policies, which pertain to various aspects of entertainment-related expenditures, as well as the BC Liquor Control and Licensing Act in situations where liquor is served.
The purpose of UBC Policy #84 is to facilitate entertainment in support of the University’s mission while maintaining controls for accountability. Per Policy #84, acceptable purposes for incurring entertainment expenses for University business will normally involve a University guest, visitor, or benefactor. Entertainment expenses incurred for University business may include food, beverages, and social or recreational activities. In addition, “The determination of what constitutes reimbursable expenses for entertainment is the responsibility of the administrative head of unit. If gifts form part of the event, they will normally be tokens of appreciation of modest value offered at the discretion of the person authorized to entertain. If gifts of significant value are contemplated, approval from one administrative level higher is required.”
The purposes of Policy #13 are to establish a process for the provision and consumption of alcohol at University facilities and at off-campus University events, and promote the health and safety of faculty, staff, students, and visitors who attend University events where alcohol is served. Please be reminded also that alcohol cannot be used as an inducement to attend an event and no indication may be made about the availability of alcohol when promoting the event. For example, terms such as “Beer Garden,” “Wine and Cheese,” etc., are prohibited (per section 9.8.3 of the Special Occasion License Policy Manual).
The University’s Expenditure Guidelines took effect October 1, 2017 (with revisions made in July 2018).
Business Expenses Policy
Click this link Business Expenses Policy 2023 with Arts Comparison to view or download a PDF of the Arts “Appendix” document that provides the University’s Expenditure Guidelines side-by-side with Arts-specific policies and internal procedures.
- The University’s Expenditure Guidelines (left-hand column) provides guidance regarding expenditures and reimbursements made under the authority of UBC Policy FM8 Business Expenses Policy (formerly, Policy#83) and the related Administrative Directive concerning travel and related expenses.
- The Faculty of Arts Expenditure Guidelines (right-hand column) provides Arts-specific policies on expenditure limits, eligibility rules, internal procedures, guidance notes, and approval protocols, established in keeping with the guiding principle of promoting responsible stewardship of public funds.
- A further “Guidance Notes” section is included on the last page (p.15) of this document.
Administrative heads of units in the Faculty of Arts are expected to promote and enforce the Faculty of Arts policies and best practices concerning entertainment and other expenditures.
The Board of Governors Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Guidelines are available on the website of the Office of the University Counsel.
Policy 13 (SC9) Alcohol Policy (Serving and Consumption of Alcohol at University Facilities and Events)
Policy 83 (FM8) Business Expenses Policy (Travel and Related Expenses) and the related Administrative Directive, Jan 2019
Policy 84 Entertainment | Expenditure Guidelines
Policy 115 Gifts