Applies to Tenure/Tenure Track Positions
Leave type | Dean’s Office | Department/School |
Sabbatical/study | Actual salary savings reallocated from dept/school to Dean’s Office for redistribution | Receives funding at designated sessional course ($) rate x standard teaching load (# courses) prorated over leave period. |
Administrative | N/A | Receives funding at designated sessional course ($) rate x standard teaching load (# courses) prorated over leave period. |
Unpaid | N/A | Retains 100% of faculty member’s salary savings during period of leave.. |
Maternity/paternity | N/A | Retains 100% of faculty member’s salary savings during period of leave. |
Medical leave (paid) | N/A | Receives funds from Dean’s Office based on actual cost of teaching replacements subject to review by the Dean’s office approval. |
Long-term disability/ Income Replacement plan medical leaves | N/A | Receives 100% of faculty member’s salary savings during period of leave. |
Reduced workload | Receives 50% of faculty member’s salary savings during period of leave. | Receives 50% of faculty member’s salary savings during period of leave. |
Resignations | If approved for recruitment, receives 50% of faculty member’s salary savings until position is filled. | If approved for recruitment, receives 50% of faculty member’s salary savings until position is filled. |
Retirements | If approved for recruitment, receives 50% of stripdown* value of position until it is filled. | If approved for recruitment, receives 50% of stripdown* value of position until it is filled.
Tenure denial | Receives 50% of faculty member’s salary savings until position is filled | Receives 50% of faculty member’s salary savings until position is filled. |
*Stripdown value is defined as the estimated market salary level of a junior faculty rank position. Value will be set on a yearly basis and may differ based on disciplinary field.
Notes: Resources retained from faculty leaves by the Dean’s Office are redistributed across units within the Faculty to support sessional and teaching assistant budgets.